Singaporean student who scores 8 As in GCE A Level Exam was rejected by NUS Law Faculty, plans to read law in UK

Question: How many non-Singaporean law undergraduates are there in NUS?

Asiaone Forum, 8 May 2013
今年A水准成绩放榜,小女儿的成绩非常优异,考到了八个A,包括H2和H3。与家人商量后,女儿决定报考新 加坡国立大学法律系。不料,我们却在5月初接到通知,她竟然不被国大法律系录取!小女儿在初级学院就读期间 ,除了成绩优异外,也积极参加课外活动,深得老师好评。此外,她晚上也经常到居民委员会等基层组织义务帮忙 。由此可见,她具有全面发展的潜能。  对于国大法律系为什么会把这样土生土长,又有实力的年轻人拒之门外 ,我们实在是想不通。为了让女儿学习她所喜爱的法律,我们决定把她送到英国留学。在阻隔了本地优秀人才在本国大学升学之路的同时,国立大学却给外国留学生保留了学额,真让人感到失望和伤心 !希望新加坡国立大学能够对此给一个说法。 Full story

According to Mdm Hong, her daughter, a true blue Singaporean who scored 8As in her A levels is rejected by NUS Law faculty. The news came as a blot out from the blue for her family.
Her daughter not only achieving good academic results but also actively participate in school CCA and grassroots activities. Upon rejection from NUS, she decided to send her daughter who has a keen interest in law to UK university.
Ms Hong expressed her disappointment and also raised her concern on why foreign students are able to secure to place in NUS whereas her daughter who’s academically inclined is to be ‘forced’ to pursue her university education aboard.

Also read:
NUS rejected my son – have to sell house to send him overseas - TR Emeritus

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